5 safe and important workouts that you can practice during pregnancy Yes, an offspring developing inside you can be a scary thought and dealing with morning sickness and frequent trips...
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Are you tired of looking for the right yoga mat because no matter what you practice on, you keep slipping from time to time? Slips are a common thing to...
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- 20 Health Benefits of Yoga
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Taking the time to practice yoga or meditate regularly will help you to manage the physiological response related to stress. Over time, you will notice an overall sense of calm,...
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You know that it is important to get your teeth cleaned by your dentist at least two times a year. Equally as important is to get a regular check-up by...
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2020 was like no other year. As we rung in the new year, many expected new beginnings. We anticipated a healthy start to a new decade. No one ever expected...
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Welcome to Majisports.com! At Maji Sports, we create good quality, yoga, fitness, meditation and rehabilitation products that are well designed and eco-friendly. Yoga Mats Customized Suede Natural Rubber Travel Yoga...
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Welcome to Majisports.com! At Maji Sports, we create good quality, yoga, fitness, meditation and rehabilitation products that are well designed and eco-friendly. Yoga Mats Customized Suede Natural Rubber Travel Yoga...
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- Make your Mental Health a Priority
- Mental Health as Key to Overall Health
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HEALING IS A PROCESS, NOT A DESTINATION Make your mental health a priority and watch yourself bloom… Are you tired of the psychological and economic distress caused by Covid-19 Pandemic? Who...
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It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude, it’s gratitude that brings us happiness… We seem to be experiencing so much negativity in the world right now: racial injustice, crime,...